Journal Reports: Leadership
The Inner Workings of the Executive Brain
New Research Shows the Best Business Minds Make Decisions Very Differently Than We Thought
April 27, 2014 6:07 p.m. ET
Viktor Koen
Take much of what you know about how the best executives make decisions. Now, forget it.
Journal Report
- Insights from The Experts
More in Leadership: Human Resources
For instance, we all "know" that
tight deadlines lead to inspiration. Except they often don't. Instead,
they typically are counterproductive—making people less creative
precisely when they need to be. Or most of us assume that when we try to
solve problems, we're drawing on the logical parts of our brains. But,
in fact, great strategists seem to draw on the emotional and intuitive
parts of their brain much more.
are some of the insights coming from the world of neuroimaging, where
scientists use sophisticated machines to map what's going on inside the
brain when people do jobs or ponder problems. The work is still in its
early stages, but even now it offers an extraordinary opportunity that
wasn't possible before.
Researchers can
now see how people's brains react to a situation—a process that,
obviously, the subjects themselves can't see, let alone explain. That
promises to provide a much clearer view of how leaders make good
choices, and how other people can learn to follow their example.
Here's a closer look at some of the discoveries researchers have made.
Want Innovation? Be Wary of Deadlines
often think a deadline can help us shake off inertia and focus on
getting a job done. But the brain research suggests precisely the
opposite is true. A deadline, instead, more often limits our thinking
and can lead to much worse decision making.
Richard Boyatzis
—along with colleague
Anthony Jack
and others—has found that a tight deadline increases people's
urgency and stress levels. These people show more activity in the
brain's "task positive" network, which we use for problem solving. But
it's not the part of the brain that comes up with original ideas.
research shows us that the more stressful a deadline is, the less open
you are to other ways of approaching the problem," says Dr. Boyatzis, a
professor in the departments of organizational behavior, psychology and
cognitive science at Case Western Reserve University. "The very moments
when in organizations we want people to think outside the box, they
can't even see the box."
For example, an
IT manager being pushed to launch a new software product quickly might
rush to get all the bugs fixed. With less pressure, he or she might have
taken a step back, asked why all those problems were cropping up in the
first place, and come up with a completely different approach to
writing the code that worked more smoothly and didn't produce the
Does that mean companies
should get rid of deadlines? In most cases, that's not realistic. So
Srini Pillay,
an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School and
founder of the coaching firm NeuroBusiness Group, suggests that
companies help employees reduce stress and access the creative parts of
the brain even when they're under pressure.
such technique is learning to let the mind wander, with exercises like
meditation. In that mental state, the creative part of the brain tends
to be active. "When people hit a wall in their thinking, in general they
start thinking harder," says Dr. Pillay. "What the neuroscience
research tells us is that it's more important to think differently."
Big Unknowns Lead to Bad Choices
ticking clock of a deadline isn't the only kind of pressure that makes
for bad decisions. So does uncertainty, such as feeling that your job or
your company's future is under threat.
Dr. Pillay cites a study that
discovered that feelings of uncertainty activated brain centers
associated with anxiety and disgust, and that such concerns naturally
lead to certain kinds of decisions. "In times of uncertainty," he says,
"you start acting out of that sense of doom and gloom."
problem, he says, is that the study also showed that 75% of people in
uncertain situations erroneously predicted that bad things would happen.
So the reactions and decisions that were made based on fear and anxiety
could turn out to be exactly the wrong moves.
say a company is having a rough time navigating the weak economy. A
manager who's mired in doom-and-gloom thinking might be too pessimistic
to hire new staff or invest in new equipment. But those might be exactly
the moves the company needs to gain ground on competitors.
that uncertainty is a hallmark of many modern workplaces, the solution
lies not in trying to avoid it, but in learning to accept it. "It's
important to be aware that your response is likely to be an
exaggeration," Dr. Pillay says.
Pillay recently coached executives at a large energy company on making
decisions amid uncertainty, and focused on helping them understand that
no decision is final—if circumstances change, you can always re-evaluate
it later. That can take the pressure off, he says, and free people to
act. Simply being aware of your tendency to embrace doom-and-gloom
thinking in uncertain situations, and consciously countering it by
reframing an issue in more positive terms, can also be effective.
Good Thinkers Look Past Facts
is aware of the classic—and revered—image of the hardheaded decision
maker, who cuts through nonessentials and goes after cold facts. But
researchers are finding the truth is much more complex: The best leaders
seem to lean on their emotions much more than logic.
Roderick Gilkey,
a professor of management and associate professor of psychiatry
at Emory University, conducted a study with colleagues to look at what
happens when executives are making strategic decisions. They gave a
group of midcareer executives a set of management scenarios and asked
for their analysis and recommendations, then scanned their brains using
functional magnetic resonance imaging while they completed the tasks.
expected to see a lot of activity in the prefrontal cortex, the area of
the brain known for its involvement in things like planning and logical
reasoning. There was activity there, but different areas of the brain
were dominant—those involved in social and emotional thinking. And the
more adept strategic thinkers in the group displayed much higher levels
of activity in these areas.
potential conclusion is that people who are good at strategy are better
at sensing or feeling their way through strategies, rather than relying
only on logic and being rational," says
David Rock,
director of the research organization NeuroLeadership Institute.
example, the average manager tasked with improving a business's profit
margins might embark on a cost-cutting program including layoffs, and
would dismiss any emotional reaction as weakness. A good strategic
thinker would pay attention to those emotions and think through the
full, long-term impact of the cuts on things like employee morale,
retention and productivity. The result might be a different way of
improving profitability.
The research
ties in with findings from other neuroimaging studies, showing that
social and analytical thinking make use of very different areas of the
brain, and that social thinking plays a more important role than
previously thought. In other words, having a good capacity to look at a
problem through other people's eyes is just as important as being able
to analyze the facts.
An average
leader, for instance, trying to execute a controversial new strategy
might assume that it's enough to tell the team what needs to happen,
without recognizing that they may feel their status has been attacked by
being left out of the discussions. An exceptional leader would
instinctively recognize the need to get everyone on board and not simply
present a fiat.
"When you're making a
decision in an organization, you also need to think about people and
their reactions," says Dr. Rock. "A lot of the strategies that go wrong
are because managers haven't thought through what happens when this hits
The problem is that most
people don't switch very effectively between the social and analytical
modes of thinking. "Our brain is certainly capable of switching back and
forth, but we don't actually do it that much. When we get into a
particular mind-set, it tends to be reinforcing," says
Matthew Lieberman,
professor of psychology at the University of California, Los
He says that simple reminders
can help. If you're in a meeting, for example, and know that you tend to
get caught up in numbers and analysis, you could have prompts in your
notes reminding you to take the social temperature of the room at
regular intervals.
Leaders Should Stay Positive
area of research goes beyond decision making and looks at how good
leaders inspire others—from looking at both the leaders and those they
are leading. The secret seems to be the carrot rather than the stick.
Boyatzis and others have done brain scans looking at what happens when
people recall their interactions with an effective leader. The patterns
were very similar to those found in another study in which people were
given positive coaching. Areas of the brain involved in social thinking
were activated, along with areas associated with positive emotions.
best leaders, it seems, are good at motivating people with things like
encouragement, praise and rewards—thereby creating a strong emotional
bond and sense of purpose among employees.
still have this lingering thought that you have to be negative and
tough to get things done, when the data says that's just not true at a
very basic human level," Dr. Boyatzis says. "It's not to do with gender
or cultural differences or anything else. It has to do with how your
brain is wired."
Meanwhile, other
researchers are investigating the inner workings of the leaders
David Waldman,
a management professor at Arizona State University, has worked
Pierre Balthazard
and other colleagues to do brain-imaging studies on corporate
executives, entrepreneurs and army officers. Their aim is to find out
how electrical brain functioning differs in effective and
not-so-effective leaders.
One of their
findings has to do with inspirational leadership—the ability to
articulate a vision that inspires people and makes them buy into your
strategy. Not only can these people see the big picture, but they can
put that picture into clear words and impart it to others.
researchers have found that those abilities are closely tied to
connections between certain parts of the brain. Good leaders seem to
make those connections naturally, while less effective ones don't.
Dr. Waldman and his colleagues are trying to apply that knowledge by
training people to access those regions of the brain. The process
involves neurofeedback, a technique that trains the brain to learn new
processes. A computer monitors people's brain patterns as they observe
activity on a screen, such as a movie. Then the computer gives people
positive or negative reinforcement.
the people aren't displaying the desired brain patterns, for example,
the screen they're watching may go fuzzy. When they do display the right
brain patterns, it becomes sharp again. Gradually, people's brains
learn to follow the patterns that are positively reinforced.
theory is that by the end of the training, people's brains will access
those visionary-leadership areas naturally—and, with any luck, make it
easier for them to inspire people more easily.
are right on the cusp of being able to assist leaders to rewire their
own brains through neurofeedback," says Dr. Waldman. "It's based on a
lot of research, and the idea is to identify patterns of brain activity
that are reflective of a better leader, then give direct computer
training to help people develop those patterns for themselves."
says the technique is already being used in other fields, such as
treating attention-deficit disorder. But neurofeedback still needs more
research before researchers can be sure it will work in developing
leadership ability. Even if it does, it will most likely need to be used
in conjunction with more traditional techniques, such as coaching.
think this could be something that becomes an important part of the
arsenal of techniques in leadership development," he says.
Mr. Blackman is a writer in Crete. He can be reached at
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