Alcohol, drugs can ruin lives
2011-02-10 / Letters
What can drug and alcohol abuse do to a person?
I know the answer to this question because my father is in the hospital fighting for his life because of drugs and alcohol.
Although he is 27 years clean and sober, the years he spent abusing drugs and alcohol have destroyed his liver.
Alcohol abuse is the cause of many deaths in our country every year. In fact, more people die from alcohol abuse than cocaine abuse or similar drugs. This needs to stop.
One government study claims that 75,000 Americans die each year from alcohol abuse. Drinking too much can also create many health problems and shorten your life span.
Alcohol destroys liver cells and then causes scar tissue. Ultimately, this can cause cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer.
Despite his years of sobriety, my father is now suffering the consequences of drinking alcohol excessively for many years.
Thousands of people die each year from drugs as well. Smoking drugs like cocaine can cause serious heart and brain problems.
Using needles to inject drugs like heroin can cause AIDS and hepatitis.
Overdosing on prescription medication is common among celebrities like Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson.
Drugs are dangerous and deadly. Because of his drug use, my father got hepatitis C, which has damaged his liver.
Although there may be nothing wrong with social drinking or taking drugs for medical reasons, abusing alcohol and drugs destroys lives.
Drugs and alcohol have nearly taken my father’s life, and after reading this I want you to consider, what is it doing to yours? Alex Chatoff, 13 Thousand Oaks acorn 02102011
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