Thursday, May 8, 2014

comments Ed Sotelo leave payout vc star 05/08/14

Comments » 15

wynonarose#270205 writes:
Wow, your tax dollars at work. Hopefully there will be a review of salaries and perks for all upper management.
unclewede writes:
Apparently Oxnard has never heard of "use it or lose it" This shows that any contracts need not have the seemingly extravagant severance pay for 6 months or more.
fibus writes:
Nyhof won't be worth it. This is an example of benchmarking that should be obvious to everyone.
If anyone is seeking an example of failed democratic form of government look no further than Oxnard.
Elections at large means friends of elected officials receive benefits denied to others not so well connected and no balance that might come with council districts.
A mal distribution of taxes that come with pandering to those precincts that have the greatest turnout at election time. This might seem fair but isn't because in the long term it leads to slums.
The council should have fired Burnham for cause that would had a beneficial effect on senior staff that the game of deceit and foggy reporting was over.
Nyhof won't improve anything unless he terminates those on the senior staff that have obstructed justice during the combined investigation of the district attorney and the FBI.
waynes-world writes:
Only the Government could allow policies like accruing over 1000 hours of vacation time. Private business of course realizes that this is a liability and thus has use it or lose it policies. Government is a horrible steward of taxpayer money, this is yet another example.
techscan#236412 writes:
Untaken leave makes for a less efficient employee and should be reflected in future compensation with pay reductions.
governmentleech writes:
You ain't seen nothin -remember the public speaker who got up the other night and whined about how cheated "mid-level managers" are? Well, ask any of them how much annual and sick leave they are allowed to accrue, and use towards retirement bonuses. You would probably get sick to your stomach at the answer. And yet, those "poor, poor" people only get paid $150,000 of your money each year. They take after Sotelo in their greed. Who cares? No one, because right now, it's re-election season, and all they can do now is upstage each other. Meanwhile, you are likely to see Sotello cruising around town in his brand new Lexus SUV. Don't be surprised if he scowls at you though: it's his way of saying ."thanks, sucker."
auret1#232805 writes:
Did he earn annual and sick leave while on paid leave?
techscan#236412 writes:
in response to auret1#232805:
Did he earn annual and sick leave while on paid leave?
Yes, his contract was in force. He complied with the terms of his contract. The blame lies with the old council for approving the contract.
techscan#236412 writes:
Addendum. The old and new city council are IMO as guilty for not terminating for cause. Speculating but bad legal advice might be at the root and worthy of its own house cleaning efforts.
OrangePeel writes:
Sotelo really is a piece of work. Use it or loose it, is or should be the rule of thumb. Capping this should have taken place a long time ago. The city has again let down the taxpayers of Oxnard!!
david#319539 writes:
Just one more example of out of control government spending. The problem is that City Councils (and County Supervisors) don't want a fight on their hands (they want to get re-elected) and since it is not their money they cave in to these obscene contracts.
klongtimeres writes:
This is awful. What was the council thinking when they approved this contract!!! I worked for the fed gov and we had a use it or lose rule. You could only carry over so much leave. anything over and you would lose the leave. Every employee needs to take some time off. Please council use the "use or lose" system for annual leave. I can not believe my city has become so stupid.
REALITY writes:
Remember Oxnard has a local sales tax of .25% on top of the state sales tax to help fund their government. Something to think about next time they want to raise taxes or renew the current tax structure.
RonPaul2012 writes:
I was once proud of Oxnard.... hard to be proud of a city government that ALLOWS this abuse of public monies - not just in this instance but in so many
carthomas7 writes:
I am for an initiative that limits all state, city, salaries to $173, paid to the Gov and max $100k for retirement period.
Who will fund it & get sigs??
This is CRIMINAL!!

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